The voice of an assistant from hell #poem #horror

so I thought my room was haunted –
or even worse, if it was possessed –
as after midnight I was awakened –
by a very strange and so evil music –
it was heavy metal but satanic –
so the clock radio I suspected –
but then it was well unplugged –
and so there I was really scared –
not to say that I was panicked –
courageous so I got up scared –
and its evil source I searched –
there very quickly I found it –
it’s my voice assistant mess –
that it didn’t want to stop it –
so I had to quickly unplug it –
then I thinks he is possessed –
so to a real exorcist I took it –
after having exorcised it well –
show it to a technician quickly –
that he recommended to me –
to this tech man I entrusted it –
and after having tested it well –
so he told me: he was hacked –
and so I hired him immediately –
to find my pirate very rapidly –
he quickly found the culprit –
there Devil666 he was named –
he didn’t have an IP address –
it was impossible to find him –
the curse voice assistant then –
so me I then transfert it to him –
and I’ll never have one again –

A propos Gerdesilets

Me lire et rire ou me maudire ou encore périr quel choix est pire? j'ai trouvé mon épitaphe: Il a essayé d'être humoriste, philosophe, poète et auteur de science fiction mais nul dans ces quatre domaines il n'a percé dans aucun :( Mes poèmes sont mauvais mais sarcastiques Ma science fiction est squelettique comparée à ce que j'ai imaginé pour le reste j'aime critiquer
Cet article a été publié dans bécosse / sarcasms, censored / censuré, conte de fée / fairy tales, Entertainment, hero, Non classé, poésie / poems, spirituality. Ajoutez ce permalien à vos favoris.

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